Antaratma Yoga Shala News
Header kira payankasana variation

Namasté  [FULLNAME],

Blossoming times...

Prenatal Yoga @ The Shala 

It is always a joy to teach women who are entering (or already on the path) the phase of motherhood. The room is full with tenderness, anticipation, openness and sharing. The time is theirs and they fully embrace it.
These women come to Prenatal Yoga to feel good, to help relieve stress and /or  tension in their body, to breathe, to connect and to prepare for birth. They come to calm their mind and to grow into this new phase of 
their life. This is a space where they can feel safe, build confidence within themselves, have time away from work or other commitments and meet other women who are on a similar path. As we spend time each week
sharing, mums get to know other mums and a community of support grows and often extends well past prenatal yoga into baby yoga and beyond.

If you yourself are pregnant or you know someone who is pregnant we have 2 x weekly classes at the shala: 

- Tuesdays (In English) @17:30 with Kira
- Thursdays (in German) @ 09:30 with Jade

Adapting Vinyasa Yoga for Pregnancy - A Prenatal Yoga teacher training mini  immersion, Nov. 2023

I will also be offering a 2 day / 9,5 hr Prenatal Yoga teacher training immersion Nov. 4-5, 2023. This will be specificially oriented towards Adapting Vinyasa Yoga for pregnancy. Details will be online within the
next few days! 

Baby Moon Retreat

A friend of mine (who also taught a few classes at the shala) is offering a retreat for pregnant women, and i would love to share with you this rare opportunity. Perhaps this reaches just the right person:

alexandra retreat 2021 PDFRetreat mit Alexandra Bachler und Freunde

Zieh Dich vom Alltag zurück und gönn Dir und Deinem Baby eine bewusste Zeit zum Entspannen. Die Wurzelwerkstatt, geleitet von Alexandra unserer ehemaligen Yogalehrerin, bietet dieses Jahr ein Retreat für werdende Mamas an. Das Programm bietet alles was sich werdende Mams wünschen. Yoga, Geburtsvorbereitungskurs, einen Mobile Workshop und selbstgekochtes Essen. Das Retreat wird von den Landhebammen ( begleitet.

 Sei dabei von 6. - 9. Juli im Ollers im Burgenland

Alle Infos findest Du hier:

More News:

~ Lucas hat einige Segel - Kurse und Urlaube geplant und wird also mit Abwesenheit glänzen. Für Aerial gibts leider keinen Ersatz, aber die Klasse am Sonntag kann ab und zu übernommen werden.
Der aktuelle Stundenplan gibt immer Aufschluss. 

Noch mehr workshops / events im shala: 

~ /30 April/21 Mai/25 Juni, Sonntags 18-20 Uhr : 1 x pro monat Faszien yoga mit Jade

~ Freitag 26 Mai 17-19 Uhr : Arm Balance workshop mit Alex 

~ Sonntag 18 June  Ab 10 Uhr - The Shala Turns 20! Free Yoga & Pot Luck Brunch!

~ Sat.4 - Sun.5 Nov. - Adapting Vinyasa Yoga for Pregnancy, A teacher training immersion with Kira

~ Donnerstag 07 Dec. ab 20:00 : Kirtan Koncert mit Kevin James!!! Infos. dazu kommen!!!



For more workshops / events please visit our website!!



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Antaratma Yoga Shala Innsbruck
Andreas Hofer Str. 13 &
Tel.  Kira : 0650/9127835
Tel. Lucas : 0650/8426248  


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