All content on this site / homepage is original. Eg. Photos of the interior are taken at the Shala, and not stock photos or otherwise unspecific available presentation content. I.e. it is "real".
Photos of persons (teachers, demo student photos) are taken and used with specific permission of the models & photographers.
Therefore any content is copyrighted and may not be copied / used unless specifically permitted by the creators / copyright owners.
Photographers at the Shala :
Lucas Pradlwarter (L), Kira Cook, Andrew Jackson (A), Jasmin Bachmann (J)
'Models' :
The 'models' are foremost the many teachers and students who have specifically been or still are connected to the Yoga Shala. A big thank you to all of them for being at the right time at the right place :)
Photos and Materials from outside advertisers & organisers naturally retain their own copyright and are displayed specifically with permission of the owners.
Hier unten, könnt ihr euch zum Newsletter des Shalas eintragen.
Der Newsletter erscheint nicht regelmässig sondern nach Gelegenheit, also wenn es was Neues gibt : i.e. Ankündigungen von Workshops oder Planänderungen.
An diesen Tagen finden keine / reduzierte Offenen Klassen statt. Infos stehen jeweils unter der Timetable & im Newsletter.
On the following dates classes are reduced or cancelled. Details can be found below the timetable or in the newsletter.
Für Kurse & Veranstaltungen gelten die jeweiligen Übereinkünfte. Courses happen by agreement.
1. Januar (Neujahr) - Keine Klassen - No Classes
6. Januar (Heilige Drei Könige) - Reduzierte Klassen.....
Faschingsdienstag - Reduzierte Klassen.
Ostersonntag !!
1. Mai (Tag der Arbeit)
Christi Himmelfahrt - Reduzierte Klassen
Pfingstsonntag - Reduzierte Klassen
Pfingstmontag - Reduzierte Klassen
Fronleichnam - Reduzierte Klassen
15. August (Mariä Himmelfahrt)
26. Oktober (Nationalfeiertag)
1. & 2. November (Allerheiligen & Allerseelen)
8. Dezember (Mariä Empfängnis) - Reduzierte Klassen (siehe Klassenplan)
Weihnachtszeit (ca 22.12 - 2.1) : Reduzierte oder keine Klassen - Rechtzeitig gibts eine spezielle Liste als pdf.
Im Sommer gibts auch angepasste Zeiten, die von den Umständen abhängen.
Beides wird per Facebook und im Newsletter ausreichend früh angekündigt.
Below you can sign yourself into the 'The Shala News' brought to you mostly by Kira.
The newsletter is not a regular occurence, but will only be send, when there's something new to share / announce : i.e. Workshops or timetable-changes etc..
... about coming to the YogaShala the first time :
What class :
All level 1 classes are suitable for first timers, Level II only for experienced yoga practitioners.
Classes are DROP-IN. No reservation needed !
Please come 15 mins. early to allow time to change and enjoy a few moments of setting up.
Classes are mostly 75 minutes, some are 90 mins. (Please see our timetable)
Price :
The first class is 10 €.
If you choose to come back, you get a 'Once in a lifetime' - block of 4 tickets for 40 € valid for two months (this block is not valid for pregnancy yoga)
Where :
Andreas Hofer Str. 13 (between Billa & Bipa).
The entry can be found after a hopefully not too long search in between Billa
(a Supermarket) & Bipa (Drugstore) and after the Body & Mind Fitnesscenter.
Other :
bring clothes which allow you to move (please no jeans).
We have mats, blankets and bolsters for use at the shala.
Specifically for Aerial Yoga :
Shirts must have sleeves (short-sleeves are ok). T´shirts that don't ride up are preferable.
Long & tight pants are better, as loose ones tend to get caught a bit. Shorts will be uncomfortable for your legs.
In case you wish to have a look at the Shala from the inside.