To make sure that the email does indeed get through to you, we've sent you a confirmation link !
Please check your emails (spam ?) and click the link to activate your newsletter.
You may have to teach your Email-Client that the Shala doesn't send spam :)
Can't find the page you're looking for ...
maybe ?
- cause it's from the last century ??
- coming from somewhere else into a specific place that does not exist here anymore.
- maybe the page actually exists and i'm just b..s.. - try a reload ?
Other options :
best of all .. just go to the main page ...
and in case that'S not working ... The admin definitely will be on it already.
i am empty ---
hier gibts nix zu finden !? weil ...
- Evt ein veraltetes Lesezeichen ?
- Evt ein externer Link, der nicht mehr stimmt ?
bzw sogar google et. al. die noch etwas brauchen um alles richtig zu indizieren...
Am besten .. Neustart hier ...
und wenn das nix wird - dann ist der Administrator eh schon beim Arbeiten
And in case you didn't get any of this and you really must know .... go to the english 404 error page.