Kira-baby massage

Baby Massage & restorative yoga

with KIRA

Baby massage for infants from 6 weeks to 10 months. In a safe and nurturing environment this is a beautiful time to introduce healthy skin-to-skin touch with your baby. This is a class which offers you specific techniques to massage your baby appropriately and safely for which you can then take these skills home with you and practice at a time suitable to you both. At the end of the massage session there will be some time for Restorative Yoga - postures to rest and restore you body, mind and soul.

`Take your time, breathe & connect

Listen to your baby´s cues

They will teach you everything you need to know´

– Kira Cook


For Infants from 6 weeks to 7 months old

4 x Thursdays
from 15:00 - 16:00

Upcoming Dates:

  • 10 October - 31 October 2024
  • 14 November - 05 December 2024

 60 € / 48 € student or single parent

(no single classes possible)


babymama kissingfeetWhat you can expect from this class:

  • Interative time with your baby - to play, bond, &  share skin-to-skin touch
  • Soft massage techniques directly on your baby´s skin 
  • TIme to meet & share stories and experiences with other mothers
  • We will be using carefully selected oils to use for this class, but if you have your own preferred oil you know your baby likes you may choose to bring it
  • At the end of the massage session we will practice some gentle Restorative Yoga Postures for yourself while cuddling your baby


 How Baby Massage benefits your baby:

Appropriate touch will support their physical, mental, emotional and social development. Specific benefits include:

  • better sleep
  • relief from gas, colic, reflux, constipation
  • improved absorbtion of nutrients, and supports weight gain
  • relieves emotional distress, irritability and invites relaxation
  • relief from growing pains, teething, sinus conjestion, excess mucus
  • enhances body awareness


babycuddlesHow Baby Massage can benefit you personally:

Baby massage helps you to become more familiar with your baby´s cues. As baby massage stimulates the release of the love hormone Oxytocin, it helps to support love and bonding. It supports a closeness with your baby, builds confidence in handling your baby and you will become more sensitive to your baby´s needs. This is very empowering as you grow into life together.

Who is this course for:

For Mothers, fathers, grandparent or friend of family - sharing this time together is a beautiful opportunity to bond with your baby

What to bring: 

A very large towel for your baby to lay on
Your personal oil if your baby has very sensitive skin
A beanie for your baby´s head
A small blanket to cover them

Included in the course price:

A little booklet with the massage techniques for you to take home and practice with.
Organic Oil to use during the massage: Sweet Almond or Grapeseed oil




4 x Thursdays from 15:00 - 16:00

Upcoming Dates:

  • 10 October - 31 October 2024
  • 14 November - 05 December 2024

Price: 60 € / 48 € student or single parent

(no single classes possible)


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