Wild Thing - in class
A list of the links mentioned elsewhere in this site, mostly pertaining to health or interesting courses in innsbruck :

Soon On : Yogasummit in Innsbruck - Finally a chance to try some teachers without having to travel far :)


Ayurveda & Yoga in Innsbruck - Homepage of Kathrin Bielowsky

Good food good yoga - good yoga holidays  ?- Ask Lisa Petersen.

Donna Farhi : Integrating basics into high art.

Godfrey Devereux's interpretation / translation of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras.

Unnata™ Aerial Yoga - Michelle Dortignac - & Swaha Yoga Center in Athens. Our Aerial Yoga roots. 

Other Health or Course - related sites especially around Innsbruck :

Shiatsu Moves Innsbruck - for relaxation

Eva Müllers Homepage - the very same Evi who's teaching the Open class on Tuesdays and the dance course on Fridays.

TCM in Innsbruck : Traditional Chinese Medicine,: Health starting at your table.

Further links :

Yogadancer designs : Wonderful Asana-index with photos and details.

Maybe browseread through this Easy Read BlogStyle - Yoga Intro & Overview

Yogadirectories : 

Yogafinder : Global Yoga Schools directory.

Yogadirectory : same :) 

International Yoga Centers Directory - Global Guide to Yoga Studios, Instructors, Ashrams & Retreat Centers !


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