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Join our Vibrant & Open Community

The YogaShala is a down to earth relaxed space for yogis of all abilities and
all bodies to come and practice. Be inspired and explore your  potential
in a fun, supportive and inspiring environment.

Everyone is welcome !

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Antaratma Yoga Shala Innsbruck Logo Schrift
Antaratma Yoga Shala Innsbruck in Sanskrit Schrift

Yoga in the heart of Innsbruck - Antaratma Yoga Shala 

Find out about the Antaratma Yoga Shala Innsbruck : What type of Yoga we teach. Where in Innsbruck we are,
How much our Yoga-Classes & Courses cost, an introduction to Yoga, Answers to a few questions
and recommended Yoga - books and links.

some English tanslations are still under construction...